Press Fit Calculator



Reference Frame


Member One (Male)

Member Two (Female)

Ancillary Details

Coefficients Of Friction

Material One Material Two Coefficent of Friction (Static) Surface State
Aluminum Aluminum 1.05 Clean/Dry
Aluminum Mild Steel 0.61 Clean/Dry
Brass Brass 0.90 Clean/Dry
Brass Brass 0.60 Lubricated
Brass Steel 0.51 Clean/Dry
Bronze Cast Iron 0.21 Clean/Dry
Bronze Steel 0.16 Lubricated
Cast Iron Steel 0.40 Clean/Dry
Steel Steel 0.80 Clean/Dry
Steel Steel 0.50 Lubricated
Steel Steel 0.16 Grease
Copper Copper 1.30 Clean/Dry
Nickel Nickel 0.70 Clean/Dry
See engineeringtoolbox for an expanded list...

Elastic Modulus

Material E (GPa) E (Mpsi)
Aluminium 68 9.86
Brass 106 15.4
Bronze 112 16.2
Nickel 200 29.0
Steel 200 29.0
Titanium 116 16.8
Note: For highly engineered applications, look up the exact value for the material intended for use. Can usually be requested from the material supplier or determined experimentally.

Poisson's Ratio

Material Poisson's Ratio
Aluminium 0.334
Brass 0.331
Bronze 0.340
Nickel 0.291
Steel 0.287
Titanium 0.320
Note: For highly engineered applications, look up the exact value for the material intended for use. Can usually be requested from the material supplier or determined experimentally.



This calculator is based on Chapter 3.16 and Chapter 7.8 of Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design. It seems to work as far as I can tell, however, use it at your own risk. That is to say, by using this calculator, you are accepting all related risks associated with it. At the end of the day, you're responsible for any engineering designs you release. Make sure fit them up and test them out. In other words, do your due diligence to ensure best results. Beyond that, the calculator is also subject to the typical theoretical limitations inherent in all calculations. Namely, garbage in, garbage out. Ensure you use correct numbers for best results. Good luck and enjoy. It took a few weeks to put together and make everything look pretty.